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XP League Frisco

Frisco High Schools

Frisco High Schools reviews, businesses and maps for Frisco TX.
High Schools Listings:
(469) 633-5600
6901 Coit Rd
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Centennial High School
(469) 633-5600
6901 Coit Rd
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Centennial High School
(469) 633-5900
14040 Eldorado Pkwy
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Heritage High School
(469) 633-5900
14040 Eldorado Pkwy
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Heritage High School
(469) 633-5400
10555 Independence Pkwy
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Independence High School
(469) 633-5800
15250 Rolater Rd
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Liberty High School
(469) 633-5800
15250 Rolater Rd
Frisco, TX 75035Map

Liberty High School
(972) 292-1840
1900 Walker Ln
Little Elm, TX 75068Map

Little Elm High School
(469) 219-2180
301 Eagle Dr
Prosper, TX 75078Map

Prosper High School
(214) 578-7222
4280 Main Street, Ste 500,
Frisco, TXMap

Smartsclub LLC
(469) 633-5700
10700 Lagacy Dr
Frisco, TX 75034Map

Wakeland High School

Category: Education & Schools => High Schools

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ID: #858
Positive Path PLLC