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FISD Proposes 2023-24 Attendance Boundary Modifications

FISD Proposes 2023-24 Attendance Boundary Modifications

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by: TownHubAdmin Active Indicator LED Icon Site Admin  OP  New Member
~ 2 years, 5 mos ago   Oct 18, '22 12:26pm  
FISD Proposes 2023-24 Attendance Boundary Modifications
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From Frico ISD:
FISD Proposes 2023-24 Attendance Boundary Modifications
October 18, 2022
Frisco ISD has proposed attendance zone boundary changes for the 2023-24 school year that would impact the elementary and middle school campuses assigned to several neighborhoods.
Watch the presentation here: ?ts=2910
Access the slideshow: cs/default-source/at tendance-zones/frisc o-board-oct-202
The District is no stranger to the rezoning process and has rezoned 18 times over the past 21 years to accommodate the opening of 63 new campuses. The District looks forward to the opening of Richard A. Wilkinson Middle School and Shana K. Wortham Intermediate School in the fall of 2023.
Historically, Frisco ISD attendance boundary modifications have also impacted campuses not immediately adjacent to the new campuses in an effort to effectively utilize space and balance enrollment. Much like in the past, opening these campuses will impact campuses not immediately adjacent.
The proposed 2023-24 boundary adjustments include several elementary and middle attendance zones in an effort to:
Provide stability in areas experiencing enrollment growth. The District looks at zones that can stay in place for the longest period of time while disrupting as few students as possible when rezoning.
Balance enrollment in existing schools. Some campuses have increasing enrollment, while adjacent schools have declining enrollment. Attendance zone adjustments will distribute District resources in a more balanced and fiscally responsible manner.
Effectively utilize available classroom space. FISD strives to provide schools with well-rounded programs and opportunities while maintaining room for growth that avoids leaving schools overcrowded or underutilized for an extended period of time.
Proposed Zone Adjustments
Families who live in areas proposed to be impacted will receive an email from the District on Tuesday, Oct. 18. The email will include specific information such as the neighborhoods/streets and preliminary details regarding bus transportation.
Northwest FISD
With the opening of Richard A. Wilkinson Middle School in the fall of 2023, some students who live in the current Trent Middle School zone are proposed to be rezoned to the new campus. Trent is currently at capacity and all new students who move to the zone are enrolled at Griffin.
Central FISD
Frisco ISD currently has three elementary schools at capacity in central FISD; all new students who move to the Spears, Allen and Riddle attendance zones are currently being enrolled in neighboring schools. To help balance students and resources, changes are proposed to the following zones: Allen, Bledsoe, Borchardt, Curtsinger, Riddle, Shawnee Trail, Smith and Spears.
There is currently one elementary school at capacity on the east side of FISD; all new students who move to the Isbell attendance zone are currently being enrolled in a neighboring school. To help balance students and resources, changes are proposed to the McSpedden and Isbell zones.
With the opening of Shana K. Wortham Intermediate in the fall of 2023 to students in grades 5-6, campuses in the area are adjusting to meet the needs of the growing community.
Comstock, Elliott and Ogle elementary schools will serve students up through fourth grade, while Scoggins will become a campus exclusively open to seventh and eighth grade students.
The proposed zones would create a cohesive feeder pattern east of Custer Road in which all students who attend Comstock, Elliott and Ogle would attend Wortham Intermediate and then Scoggins Middle School and Emerson High School. This would allow students to make lasting friendships in kindergarten that could be maintained all the way through graduation.
As Scoggins becomes a seventh and eighth grade campus, there is a need to balance enrollment within existing schools to more effectively utilize space. The neighboring campuses of Lawler and Vandeventer are proposed to be impacted. Notably, Lawler Middle School is approaching its maximum functional capacity, and without a zoning adjustment, the campus would exceed functional capacity by more than 100 students in the 2023-24 school year.
No changes are proposed to the high school attendance boundary zones. Access a map of the current zones.
Learn More
Programs which draw students from outside each school attendance zone, are not reflected in the attendance zone maps but must also be accounted for. Prekindergarten, bilingual classes and centralized special education programs or choice programs such as Bright Academy’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme are all factors that impact zoning considerations.
The proposal comes after months of critical and meticulous research from internal and external demographers regarding demographic trends and enrollment forecasts, a consultation with the Board of Trustees subcommittee, and a review of the functional classroom space available for maximized campus operations. FISD strives to provide schools with well-rounded programs and opportunities while maintaining room for growth and not leaving other schools overcrowded or underutilized for an extended period of time.
Get the inside scoop on the rezoning process in a past episode of the Frisco ISD Podcast which can be found on Spotify, Apple, and several other platforms.
Also, find helpful tidbits on the FISD Trending Topics - Attendance Zone Modifications website: ending-topics/topic/ 2022/10/14/attendanc e-zone-modifica
In addition, the FISD Attendance Zone website has a wealth of information including an FAQ and all current and proposed maps: partments/attendance -zones/rezoning
Share Input, Concerns and Questions
Frisco ISD values your feedback and support as it prioritizes providing outstanding educational experiences to students across the District.
If you have questions or input you would like to provide regarding the draft zones, call 469-633-6031 or email [email protected]. All feedback will be compiled and communicated each week with the School Board, which will vote on attendance zones for the 2023-24 school year in November.
In addition, an opportunity for public comment will be provided during a special Board meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3 at 5:30 p.m. Trustees plan to make a final decision on zones for the 2023-24 school year at the Nov. 14 Board meeting.
To see the full article, including proposed zoning maps, click here: ws/district-headline s/2022/10/18/fisd-pr oposes-attendan
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Tigerclown Active Indicator LED Icon 2
~ 2 years, 5 mos ago   Oct 18, '22 2:59pm  
@TownHubAdmin : Thanks for the information.
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