Frisco Citizens Police Academy
The Frisco Citizens Police Academy (CPA) is the police department's most popular and exciting program that receives rave reviews by those who attend. There have been a total of 38 classes with more than 955 graduates of the program.
Applications are currently being accepted for Class 39 and we urge interested persons to apply as soon as possible, as we receive more applications than there are available seats each year. Class 39 begins February 18, 2016, and continues each Thursday night through May 12, 2016.
Class size limited to maximum of 30 participants.
If you are interested in applying for the Frisco CPA, please download and fill out an APPLICATION and either fax it to the Frisco Police Department's COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION at 972.292.6076 or drop it off in person at the police department.
APPLICATION: DocumentCenter/View/ 637
More Info: nts/1675602829393755 /